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PURPOSE: To outline the steps to be taken for an Automobile Accident.

POLICY: RMIS strives to provide its employees with a safe and healthful workplace environment. A separate Safety and Health Program manual is provided to every employee and every employee must follow all safety procedures and guidelines contained within the manual. Violations of the safety procedures and policies as contained within the Safety and Health Program manual are grounds for disciplinary action, including possible termination, at the discretion of RMIS.

It is ultimately the responsibility of each Supervisor to report all accidents to the Safety Manager and cc: a Managing Member ASAP. When an employee completes an Accident Report, it is the responsibility of the Supervisor to make sure every space is filled out on the report. When you leave spaces blank it causes our office or the insurance office to call you to verify that you intended to leave the question blank or just forgot to answer it. So please don’t leave blank spaces.

When an automobile accident occurs you must call the Safety Manager to inform him/her of the accident, if he/she is not available you can speak to a Managing Member. Do not wait until the Accident Report is completed to call.

Usually when an accident takes place the other parties involved will begin calling the office right away. Knowing the accident has occurred before we begin receiving calls helps us to communicate appropriately with all other parties. Also if you fax a report without calling there is a chance the information will not get to the appropriate person. If you call first we will be looking for the Accident Report.

FAX Report to: 1-303-789-9357

Once the Accident Report is complete, fax it immediately to the Safety Manager or the Director of Operations. We will report it to Human Resources and a Managing Member. He/she will advise everyone of the next steps to be taken.

*Please do not give other parties information or advise them on what to do. Do not ask them to go get estimates on their own. Do not tell them to get it fixed and we will just pay for it. That determination must be made at the Corporate Level.

Please remember all accidents must be reported the same day as they occur!


1. Double check the company vehicles you are driving for:
a. Proof of insurance cards
b. Registration card
c. Automobile Accident Report packet

*If it is missing either one, report it immediately to the Safety Manager or the Director of Operations
2. Complete the Accident Report form immediately. This report requires you to obtain information from the others involved in the incident. The form must be completed in its entirety. If the other individuals involved have more questions or concerns direct them to call the corporate office and speak to the Safety Manager or a Managing Member. Otherwise inform them that our Corporate Office will contact them within a day or two.

*If a question does not apply please write N/A in the space provided. Do not leave blank spaces.
3. The Accident Report form is divided in to the following sections:
a. The Accident
b. Company Information
c. Employee Driver(s) Information
d. Witness(es) Information
e. Person(s) Injured Information
f. Other Driver(s) & Automobile Information
g. Statement(s)/Description of Accident
h. Diagram
i. Employee Signature
4. Submit the report to the Safety Manager and cc: a Managing Member

5. Direct Supervisor coordinates the employee Drug Screen & Alcohol Test ASAP

6. Notify Human Resources if employee is injured to begin Worker’s Compensation procedures

7. Safety Manager begins investigation using the Accident/Incident Investigation Report form

8. Safety Manager submits final Accident/Incident Investigation Report and the Accident Report to:
Bob DeHerrera – Director of Operations
Managing Member: Charles Wigglesworth or Ernie Wigglesworth 
Lesley Hernandez – Human Resources